Travel Reference
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(Prolongación Libertad 1229; admission S2; 9am-1pm & 3-5pm) In an unlikely loca-
tion 1.5km northwest of the center is Ayacucho's most haunting museum, remembering
the impact the Sendero Luminoso had on Peru in the city that was most deeply affected by
the conflict. Its simple displays (in Spanish) are nonetheless moving: there are eyewitness
accounts of the horrors that went on and a particularly poignant montage of photos of
mothers who had children killed in the fighting .
Museo de Arte Popular
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(Portal Independencia 72; admission free; 8am-1pm & 1.30-3.15pm Mon-Fri) The
popular art here covers the ayacucheño (natives of Ayacucho) spectrum - silverwork, rug-
and tapestry-weaving, stone and woodcarvings, ceramics (model churches are especially
popular) and the famous retablos (ornamental religious dioramas). These are colorful
wooden boxes varying in size and containing intricate papier-mâché models: Peruvian rur-
al scenes or the nativity are favourites, but interesting ones with political or social com-
mentary can be seen here. Photographs show how Ayacucho changed during the 20th cen-
tury. Opening hours here change frequently.
Museo Andrés Avelino Cáceres
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(Jirón 28 de Julio 508-512; admission S4; 8am-noon or 9am-1pm & 3-5pm Mon-Fri,
9am-1pm Sat) Housed in the Casona Vivanco, a gorgeous 16th-century mansion. Cáceres
was a local man who commanded Peruvian troops during the War of the Pacific
(1879-83) against Chile. Accordingly, the museum houses maps and military
paraphernalia from that period, as well as colonial art: check the painting of the Last Sup-
per - with cuy !
Museo Arqueológico Hipólito Unanue
(admission S4; 9am-1pm & 3-5pm Tue-Sun) In the Centro Cultural Simón Bolívar at
the university, located more than 1km north from the city center along Independencia -
you can't miss it. Wari ceramics make up most of the small exhibition, along with relics
from the region's other various civilizations. While there, visit the university library for a
free exhibition of mummies, skulls and other niceties. The buildings are set in a botanical
garden. The best time to visit the museum is in the morning: afternoon hours sometimes
aren't adhered to.
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