Travel Reference
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Huancayo is the central altiplano's best shopping center by a distance, whether you desire
traditional markets (there are two main markets here), souvenirs or American-brand jeans.
Mercado Mayorista
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The colorful daily produce market spills out from Mercado Mayorista (which is covered)
east along the railway tracks. In the meat section you can buy Andean delicacies such as
fresh and dried frogs, guinea pigs and chickens, while an incredible variety of fruits and
vegetables you won't be able to pronounce the names of also beckon. Don't miss trying
the tokuc (rotten potato drink). Stallholders are friendly and let you try before you buy.
Wandering through the different sections, the smells of different products rise up to hit
you: it's like a sensory crash course in the ingredients of classic Peruvian dishes. It's one
of Peru's most interesting city markets, without doubt. The most important day is Sunday,
coinciding with Huancayo's weekly craft market.
Feria Dominical
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(Huancavelica) This Sunday craft market occupies numerous blocks along Huancavelica
to the northwest of Piura, offering weavings, textiles, embroidered items, ceramics and
wood carvings. Mates burilados (carved gourds) and many other items from various vil-
lages in the Río Mantaro valley are sold here - handy if you don't have time to make the
trek out to the villages yourself. Keep an eye on your valuables though.
Casa del Artesano
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(Plaza de la Constitución) Handy Casa del Artesano on the south corner of the plaza, has
a wide range of art souvenirs for sale in a somewhat more secure environment.
BCP, Interbank, Banco Continental and other banks and casas de cambio are on Real.
Most banks open on Saturday morning and have ATMs. You'll need to walk less than a
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