Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There isn't much nightlife in Aguas Calientes. Desperate restaurants offer a four-for-one
happy hour (probably not the best way to prepare for running up Wayna Picchu). Wasicha
Offline map ( 21-1282; Lloque Yupanqui s/n) is a popular discoteca with dancing till the
wee hours. At the time of writing, the Indio Feliz restaurant was adding a rooftop bar
geared towards grown-ups.
There's a helpful branch of iPerĂș Offline map ( 21-1104; Pachacutec, cuadra 1;
9am-1pm & 2-6pm) near the Machu Picchu ticket office Offline map (
5:20am-8:45pm) . If the ATM at BCP Offline map (Av Imperio de los Incas s/n) runs out of
money, there are four others in town, including one on Av Imperio de los Incas. Currency
and traveler's checks can be exchanged in various places at highly unfavorable rates, so
it's best to bring plenty of Peruvian currency with you from Cuzco. Pay phones and cyber-
cafes are scattered around the town, and there's a small post office (Colla Raymi s/n) .
There's a medical center Offline map ( 21-1005; Av Imperio de los Incas s/n; emer-
gencies 24hr) by the train tracks.
Getting There & Away
There are only three options to get to Aguas Calientes, and hence to Machu Picchu: trek
it, catch the train via Cuzco and the Sacred Valley, or travel by road and train via Santa
Buy a return ticket to avoid getting stranded in Aguas Calientes - outbound trains sell out
much quicker than their inbound counterparts. All train companies have ticket offices in
the train station, but you can check their websites for up-to-date schedules and ticket pur-
chases. For more information, Click here .
To Cuzco (three hours), PeruRail ( ) has service to Poroy and taxis
connect to the city, another 20 minutes away.
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