Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
From Maras, you can walk or bike to Salinas, about 6km away. The trail starts behind
the church. The Maras taxi company rents out bikes for this purpose - this is a fun, fast,
single-track ride.
084 / POP 700 / ELEV 2800M
Dominated by two massive Inca ruins, the quaint village of Ollantaytambo (known to loc-
als and visitors alike as Ollanta) is the best surviving example of Inca city planning, with
narrow cobblestone streets that have been continuously inhabited since the 13th century.
After the hordes passing through on their way to Machu Picchu die down around late
morning, Ollanta is a lovely place to be. It's perfect for wandering the mazy, narrow by-
ways, past stone buildings and babbling irrigation channels, pretending you've stepped
back in time. It also offers access to excellent hiking and biking.
Currently, Ollantaytambo suffers for being a thoroughfare between Cuzco and the
jungle. Since there are no alternate roads, huge semi trucks and buses barrel through the
narrow main street (barely missing pedestrians). Locals question the disruption of town
life, along with the effect of excessive exhaust on the ruins, but talk of an alternative road
has not materialized in any immediate plans.
There are a couple of internet cafes and ATMs in and around Plaza de Armas. There are
no banks, but several places change money.
Sights & Activities
Ollantaytambo Ruins
Offline map
(admission with boleto turĂ­stico; 7am-5pm) The huge, steep terraces that guard Ol-
lantaytambo's spectacular Inca ruins mark one of the few places where the Spanish con-
quistadors lost a major battle.
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