Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
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( Urbanizacion Ttio) Just beyond the terminal terrestre, this market is Cuzco's answer to
the department store. Even more congested than San Pedro, it's a bargain hunter's para-
dise for clothes, housewares, bulk food and alcohol, electrodomésticos (electronic goods),
camping gear, and pirated CDs and DVDs.
Many guesthouses, cafes and pubs have book exchanges. The best source of historical and
archaeological information about the city and the surrounding area is the pocket-sized Ex-
ploring Cuzco by Peter Frost.
Recommended bookstores include the following:
Bookstore Kiosk Offline map Google map ( Mantas 113; 9am-2pm & 4-9pm Mon-Sat)
Novels and magazines in English and German. Located just inside the door of Centro
Jerusalén ( Heladeros 143; 10am-2pm & 4-8pm Mon-Sat) Cuzco's most extensive
public book exchange (two used books, or one plus S8, will get you one book) plus used
guidebooks, new titles and music CDs for sale.
SBS Bookshop Offline map Google map ( Av El Sol 781A; 9am-9pm Mon-Sat) Small,
but specializes in foreign-language books, especially in English.
Dangers & Annoyances
Most travelers will experience few problems in Cuzco. Most crimes reported are bags
stolen from the backs of chairs in public places, or from overhead shelves in overnight
buses. Walk around with a minimum of cash and belongings. If you keep your bag in your
lap and watch out for pickpockets in crowded streets, transport terminals and markets, you
are highly unlikely to be a victim of crime in Cuzco.
Robberies and even rapes in cabs have been reported. Use only official taxis, especially
at night. (Look for the company's lit telephone number on top of the car.) Lock your doors
from the inside, and never allow the driver to admit a second passenger.
Avoid walking by yourself late at night or very early in the morning. Revelers returning
late from bars or setting off for the Inca Trail before sunrise are particularly vulnerable to
'choke and grab' attacks. For tips on avoiding theft and other common scams, Click here .
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