Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Costs & Reservations
Schedules and fares change frequently and vary from company to company; therefore, the
prices quoted in this topic are only approximations. You can check schedules online (but
not make reservations, at least not yet) for the major players, including Cruz del Sur
( ) , Ormeño ( ) , Transportes Línea
( , in Spanish) and Oltursa ( , in Span-
ish) .
Fares fluctuate during peak and off-peak travel times. For long-distance or overnight
journeys, or travel to remote areas with only limited services, buy your ticket at least the
day before. Most travel agencies offer reservations but shockingly overcharge for the tick-
et. Except in Lima, it's cheaper to take a taxi to the bus terminal and buy the tickets your-
Watch your luggage in bus terminals very carefully. Some terminals have left-luggage fa-
Bags put into the luggage compartment are generally safe. Hand luggage is a different
matter. Items may be taken while you sleep. For this reason, never use the overhead com-
partments and bring only items which can fit below your legs or on your lap.
Car & Motorcycle
Distances in Peru are long so it's best to bus or fly to a region and rent a car from there.
Hiring a taxi is often cheaper and easier.
At roadside checkpoints police or military conduct meticulous document checks.
Drivers who offer an officer some money to smooth things along consider it a 'gift' or
'on-the-spot fine' to get on their way. For more advice on legal matters, Click here .
Driver's License
A driver's license from your own home country is sufficient for renting a car. An Interna-
tional Driving Permit (IDP) is only required if you'll be driving in Peru for more than 30
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