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Concluding Remarks
This paper has described the fully realized interactive story “Eat me, drink me”
inspired by one of the chapters from the narrative “Alice's adventures in Won-
derland”. We present the interactive story, the technology and design decisions that
went into building the system. Furthermore, we investigate the user interaction and
the overall experience. The study contributes to our knowledge about the design of
interactive and mixed reality spaces, and how the responsiveness and the amount of
stimuli induce or bias behavior and experiences. We have to point out that results
obtained with the different settings over short durations of time have to be taken with
precaution since its effects may vary over longer time periods. One limitation of this
study is the usage of subjective post hoc measures of experience such as ITC-SOPI,
where presence and engagement are measured based on the overall perception of the
immersive environment. Further studies would explore the user experience in an
enriched interactive setting that implements more challenging scenario of the
interactive narrative.
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