Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2. Behavior network for agent's behavior control
Fig. 3. Visualization of the auto-generated animated agent behaviors for different sce-
(a) Special-time morning- User Mood 22.02% Relax- Partner Mood 20.84% Relax.
(b)Not an special-time- User Mood 44.39% Relax- Partner Mood 16.77% Happy.
(c)Not an special-time - User Mood 64.61% Sad - Partner Mood 22.37% Happy
(d)Not an special-time User Mood 46.71% Relax Partner Mood 46.40% delighted.
(e)Not an special-time- User Mood 54.99% Relax- Partner Mood 52.16% Sleepy.
(f) An screen shot of the app on Android phone
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