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The experiment was a 2x2 pretest posttest design, where the game's visual aesthetic
was either familiar or fantasy, which was contrasted with the story being either con-
textualized in a familiar setting or a fantasy setting. See Figure 3.
Solution: A social media tracking
system including the citizens of
Monacisch, their mobile phones and
an app they could download. By
law, the people of Monacisch are
required to call in the King's loca-
tion once they spot him without his
security detail.
Solution: A mental computing system
including the citizens of the planet Ar-
raki, their brain and a mental computing
app they could download. By law, the
residents of Arraki are required to call in
the location of the Holy Emperor once
they spot him without his Holy Guards.
Fig. 3. Conditions of the game, top to bottom, left to right: familiar visual aesthetic, fantasy
visual aesthetic, familiar story setting, fantasy story setting
One outlier with IQR > 1.5 was removed from the familiar story condition, leading to
valid N=59. A 2x2 full factorial ANCOVA with post-intervention SKA as dependent
variable, pre-intervention SKA as covariate and Story and Visual conditions as fixed
factors, shows a significant main effect of Story on learning, ( F (1,54) = 5.25, p <
0.05, η p 2 = .089), with the familiar story setting leading to better learning than the
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