Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
2. What is a public-access building? What is the relevance of public-access build-
ings in the context of regulating air quality in buildings?
3. What advantages are there in using product standards in achieving an indoor
air quality objective?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of product bans for the purpose
of protecting indoor air quality and public health?
5. How do emission standards applied to industrial sources differ from the
products standards used to reduce formaldehyde emissions from particle
board and hardwood plywood?
6. Describe how emissions standards designed to protect ambient air have had
or have the potential to have positive effects on indoor air quality.
7. What are application standards? How may they be used to minimize indoor
air quality contamination?
8. What responsibilities do schools have under Asbestos Hazard Emergency
Response Act-mandated regulations?
9. What federal agency or agencies have regulatory authority associated with
asbestos and lead in buildings?
10. What obligations do owners of pre-1978 housing have under Title X, the
Residential Lead-based Paint Hazard Reduction Act?
11. Why do federal agencies regulate training requirements for lead, asbestos,
and radon-related professional activities?
12. What is the value of indoor air quality guidelines established by international
agencies, federal and state governments?
13. What are ventilation guidelines? What is their regulatory status?
14. What are performance guidelines? Why would their establishment by a pro-
fessional association prove to be controversial?
15. What are the limitations on using warning labels on products that may cause
indoor air quality problems?
16. What are the advantages of voluntary initiatives?
17. Describe the role of citizen initiatives in determining public policy relative to
indoor air quality concerns.
18. What are the standards of proof required on the part of plaintiff's counsel in
successfully pursuing litigation alleging adverse health effects associated with
a building environment?
19. Under what theories can lawsuits be filed claiming personal injury associated
with illness symptoms in a building?
20. What advantages and disadvantages are there to allowing the legal system
to improve air quality in buildings?
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