Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
workers. Removal is a permanent asbestos abatement measure and elimi-
nates the need for O&M programs for ACM abated. Removal must be con-
ducted in enclosures maintained under negative pressure to prevent con-
tamination of adjoining building spaces. Removal must be conducted using
wet techniques, HEPA filtration, and personal protective equipment.
Source control is the only acceptable means of minimizing potential lead
exposures. Lead source control measures include repairing and repainting
damaged materials, maintenance, in-place management, and a variety of
lead abatement practices.
Repairs, repainting, and maintenance
Lead hazards in residential environments are typically associated with dete-
riorating or deteriorated lead-based paint (LBP). As a consequence, potential
exposure risks may be reduced by repairing and repainting damaged mate-
rials that contain LBP. This may include rehanging doors and windows that
are subject to friction and abrasion.
In-place management
An in-place lead management program is necessary when lead hazards have
been identified on properties where young children may be exposed and
interim control measures have been implemented. It should be designed to
keep lead-based paint in good condition, minimize the production of dust
from friction and impact surfaces, and control lead dust and paint chips
during routine cleaning and maintenance activities. An in-place lead man-
agement program in multifamily dwellings or other leased housing should
include: (1) lead hazard awareness training for maintenance workers; (2)
work practice procedures to minimize lead dust production; (3) identification
of buildings and sources producing, or having the potential to produce, lead
hazards; (4) ongoing monitoring of lead painted surfaces and other identified
lead hazards; (5) maintenance of records associated with lead activities; and
(6) a designated lead program manager. In many respects, in-place manage-
ment is similar to asbestos O&M programs.
Lead abatement
Lead abatement includes control options designed to “permanently” miti-
gate LBP-related hazards. These include removal and replacement of mate-
rials containing LBP, enclosure of LBP-coated materials, encapsulation, and
LBP removal. They also include removal or covering of lead-contaminated
soil. In the context of lead abatement, the term “permanent” is considered
to be 20 years.
Replacement of build-
ing components coated with LBP is a very effective and widely used control
measure. Replaced components commonly include windows and associated
Building component removal and replacement.
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