Environmental Engineering Reference
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which is quite limited, has to be continuously recycled. In submarines, spe-
cial air cleaning systems must be used to maintain acceptable CO
and VOC levels.
Exposures to crew members in both cases include human bioeffluents,
emissions from interior materials, and combustion by-products. Crew mem-
bers in early space flights reportedly experienced symptoms similar to those
associated with poor IAQ in buildings.
Godish, T.,
Sick Buildings. Definition, Diagnosis, and Mitigation
, CRC Press/Lewis
Publishers, Boca Raton, 1995.
Lstiburek, J.W.,
Contractor's Field Guide
. Building Science Corporation, Chestnut Hill,
MA, 1991.
Lstiburek, J.W. and Carmody, J.,
Moisture Control Handbook. Principles and Practices for
Residential and Small Commercial Buildings,
Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York,
Maroni, M., Seifert, B., and Lindvall, T.,
Indoor Air Quality — A Comprehensive Reference
, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995.
National Research Council,
The Airliner Cabin Environment. Air Quality and Safety
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1986.
Samet, J.M. and Spengler, J.D., Eds.,
Indoor Air Pollution. A Health Perspective
, Johns
Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1991.
Spengler, J.D., Samet, J.M., and McCarthy, J.C., Eds.,
Indoor Air Quality Handbook
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000, chaps. 6, 64, 66-68.
1. What factors have contributed to our recent concerns about IAQ/indoor
environment problems?
2. How are IAQ/indoor environment problems in residences different from
those experienced in nonresidential buildings?
3. What is the significance of ownership status relative to preventing and miti-
gating indoor environment problems?
4. Describe differences in substructure types and their potential roles in indoor
environment concerns.
5. How do site-built homes differ from manufactured homes?
6. Describe sidewall components and their function.
7. Describe problems experienced with cladding that might cause structural and
indoor environment problems.
8. Describe environmental problems in residential buildings associated with
9. Describe residential flooring materials and potential indoor environment
problems associated with them.
10. Describe energy conservation practices and potential associated indoor envi-
ronment problems.
11. What kind of environmental problems have been associated with the use of
gypsum board?
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