Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
remain: war, some persecution (though much less than seen elsewhere) and emigration in
the latter part of the 20th century have greatly reduced their numbers.
In 1984 around 8000 Falashas fled Ethiopia
and walked on foot to Sudan, where the Israeli
and US secret services surreptitiously airlifted
them to Israel. A further operation took place
in 1991, when 34 Israeli aircraft secretly trans-
ported some 14,325 Jews to Israel over a
36-hour period (by the time the planes had
landed, there were actually two extra passengers as two women gave birth during their
Tiny populations of Falashas remain north of Lake Tana in the northwest of Ethiopia;
their beliefs combine a fascinating mixture of Judaism, indigenous beliefs and Christian-
For a fascinating look at the cultural clash that oc-
curs when photo-hungry tourists and lip-plate wear-
ing Mursi meet watch Framing the Other
( ).
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