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disgust of the general population) accept Catholicism in order to gain Portugal's military
Today, most Oromo are settled, making a
living as farmers or cattle breeders. They are
Muslim, Christian and animist in religion, and
are known for their egalitarian society, which
is based on the gada (age-group system). A
man's life is divided into age-sets of eight
years. In the fourth set (between the ages of 24
and 32), men assume the right to govern their people.
They are the largest ethnic group in the country, making up 34.5% of its population.
Over 85% of the massive 350,000-sq-km Oromia region's population are Oromo. Many
Oromo resent the Tigray-led national government, and the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)
continues to lobby for separation from Ethiopia.
A staggering 13% of Ethiopian children are missing
one or both parents. Nearly a quarter of these par-
ents have been lost through AIDS.
The Amharas
As great warriors, skilful governors and astute administrators, the Amhara have domin-
ated the country's history, politics and society since 1270, and have imposed their own
language and culture on the country. In the past this was much resented by other tribal
groups, who saw it as little more than a kind of colonialism.
Amhara tend to be devoutly Christian, al-
though there are some Muslim Amhara.
They're also fanatical about their land and
90% of them are traditional tillers of the soil:
they produce some of the nation's best tef (en-
demic cereal grain used for the national staple,
injera ).
Making up 26.9% of Ethiopia's population, they're the second-largest ethnic group.
Over 90% of the Amharaland region's people are Amhara.
Every Ethiopian emperor (bar one) since Yekuno
Amlak established the Solomonic dynasty in 1270
has been Amhara. Yohannes (r 1872-89), who was
Tigrayan, is the only exception.
Hairstyles in all societies form an important part of tribal identification. Reflecting the large number of ethnic
groups, Ethiopian hairstyles are particularly diverse and colourful. Hair is cut, shaved, trimmed, plaited, braided,
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