Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The last emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, dies while in custody. The cause of death
is unknown but many believe he was smothered with a pillow by Mengistu.
The Tigrayan People's Liberation Front is founded. Its first attacks are a raid on a jail
and a bank robbery in Aksum in 1975. It goes on to launch a war for autonomy.
Collectivisation of agriculture begins and forced resettlement and villageisation takes
place. One of the stated goals is to help reduce famine. Most experts believe it had the
opposite effect.
Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam emerges as leader of the Derg. He appeals to the
Soviet Union and Cuba among others for aid.
Somalia invades the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. Somali forces are eventually defeated
in 1978, but only with massive help from Cuban and Soviet forces.
The Derg launch a violent crackdown on opponents; thousands die in what becomes
known as the Red Terror campaign.
Israel launches 'Operation Moses', a six-week operation to secretly airlift 8000
Ethiopian Jews to Israel.
Famine haunts much of highland Ethiopia and up to a million people die. The reasons
for the famine are climatic and political. A huge relief operation spearheaded by Bob
Geldof is launched.
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