Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Palace of Abba Jiffar
(admission Birr25; 9am-noon & 2-5pm Wed-Thu & Sat-Mon) Looking more out of
America's Wild West than the Kafa kingdom, the increasingly fragile Palace of Abba Jif-
far looks as if a strong wind could blow it away. It sits atop a hill 7km northeast of the
town centre, near the village of Jiren , and has views back down over Jimma that are
worth the price of admission alone.
King Jiffar (1852-1933), who was one of the most important Kafa kingdom rulers, held
power at the end of the 19th century. The palace contains a private family mosque (which
is still in use) and rooms that used to serve as a library, throne room, reception chamber,
king's guard room, sentry tower, courthouse and guesthouse. Almost 1.6km back down
the hill lies the tomb of the king.
To get here either take a minibus (Birr5) from the marketplace in town or contract a taxi
(Birr120, including waiting time).
Boye Dam
(admission Birr20, vehicle Birr100) Located 5km east of town off the road to Addis, the
dam has some good birdwatching opportunities, but take the locals' claims of hippos with
a hippo-sized pinch of salt. There are also caves and hot springs in the vicinity.
Jimma hotels have openly embraced the faranji price scheme - the one where you pay
double! Prices listed here are faranji rates.
Central Jimma Hotel $
Offline map
( 0471-118283; d without bathroom Birr72, d with bathroom Birr84-169, tw Bir-
r121-217; ) The courtyard and garden bar-and-pool complex at this old-timer are
abuzz with the constant activity of people coming and going (Sunday lunchtime it's
simply the place to be). The rooms are unfussy, clean and a good size and come in a big-
ger array of styles and prices than a zebra has stripes. Room rates include the use of the
pool (which is otherwise Birr25/50 on weekdays/weekends).
Honey Land Hotel $$
( 0471-111515; d Birr426-651; ) Way out on the eastern fringes of town on the
road to Addis, this place touts itself as the best hotel in town and with undeniably com-
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