Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting There & Around
The park gate is 14km before Awash and the headquarters and waterfall lie 10km south of
the gate. There are no Awash buses from Addis (four hours); you'll either need to pay the
full Dire Dawa fare (Birr151 to Birr275) or use two vehicles, changing in Nazret (Birr39,
2½ hours). For Harar and Dire Dawa, head to Asbe Teferi (Birr40, 1½ hours) and catch a
connection there. Waiting for a bus to Harar or Dire Dawa that started in Addis and has a
free seat is likely to prove futile, but if you want to try, wait along the main road in front
of the bus station.
Except for climbing the volcano, strolling along the river or short jaunts from your
vehicle to get better photos, walking is not allowed in the park, nor are bikes and motor-
cycles. Contract minibuses (around Birr1200 per half-day) can be hired in Awash and Me-
tahara and unless it has recently rained these can get you around the game drive circuit. A
4WD is necessary everywhere else.
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