Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lower Omo Valley, Arfaide (per person Birr50) , 20km out of town along the Jinka road,
has a large collection of old waga that were recovered after being stolen.
Gersale is the one village of note along the Arba Minch Road. It's just north of town
and is visited for a new tree-planting program (plant a tree for US$20) , where a small
plaque with your name is placed in front of your tree, and for the half-hour traditional
dance performances rather than its architecture. Inquire at the tourist office or Kanta
Before visiting any of these villages (except Arfaide) you must pay fees (village fee per
day Birr50, vehicle Birr10, group tour agency fee Birr 50) and hire a guide (per group Bir-
r150) at the Konso Tourist Information Centre ( Click here ). You'll likely be charged an
additional Birr20 to enter individual compounds and Birr1 or Birr2 per picture of people.
Your guide can go to town with you to hire a minibus or motorcycle if you're travelling
without your own wheels. Camping is allowed at the villages for Birr20 per person.
The children's faranji frenzy (a result of previous visitors handing out sweets, pens, etc)
gets irritating at times, but it's only truly aggressive at Gesergio. If you want to give
something, ask your guide to take you to the local school.
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