Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
ground for 1.5km, the aeons of erosion have carved 15km of passages. Proposed for
World Heritage listing, the vaulted chambers, flying buttresses, massive pillars and fluted
archway sometimes resemble an Antonio Gaudí cathedral.
If you walk through you'll cross the river seven times, either wading or swimming. It
takes about two hours. You can also ride a four-passenger boat. Some Sof Omar villagers
(none of whom speak English) act as guides and, though prices aren't fixed, you can ex-
pect to pay Birr150 to walk through and Birr50 just to look around the entrance. They
have torches, but for safe spelunking one is never enough; bring your own. From August
to October the water is usually too high to get through, though the beautiful rock forma-
tions near its mouth can be seen anytime. The guides at Bale Mountains National Park
know about the cave's water levels and if you want someone who speaks English, you can
hire one to come with you.
The cave is venerated by area Muslims due to Sheikh Sof Omar Ahmed reputedly tak-
ing refuge here in the 11th century. There's a pilgrimage every November.
Getting There & Away
From the village of Goro, 60km east of Robe, buses leave for Sof Omar (Birr23, two
hours) on market days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) at 6am and return about 4pm.
Other days you'll have to rely on sporadic pick-up trucks. A few daily buses connect Goro
to Robe (Birr28, two hours).
Dola-Mena's intense heat and the striking Somali herdsmen bringing camels to market on
Wednesday and Saturday are novelties after the Bale Mountains.
Few visitors sleep here, but if you're travelling without your own wheels and are plan-
ning to carry on to the wilds further south, you'll likely need to wait until the morning to
find transportation. With not-too-smelly tin-shack toilets and the only 'tourist food'
(mains Birr10 to Birr25) in town, unsigned Bire's Hotel (d without bathroom Birr40;
near the bus station is probably the best bet. Makuriya Mengistu Hotel (
0226-680163; d without bathroom Birr40;
) northwest of the bus station is similar.
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