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Awra Amba tour guide.
Awra Amba village is like no other in Ethiopia. The residents have a utopian world vision of total equality (regard-
less of gender, age, race, social standing, etc), shared responsibility based on ability, and hard work and education as
the best path to a good life. They also reject formal religion, though they do believe in a creator. The village's
founder, Zumra Nuru, began imagining this sort of society as a child. Most people in his village thought he was
crazy, but over time he met some likeminded people and in 1986, 18 of them joined him in founding this village. It's
since grown to 460-plus residents (in over 140 households) and has attracted respect from around the country.
Ninety-minute guided village tours (Birr6) start with the preschool, where ethics and human rights are taught
alongside the ABCs, and also visit the village's libraries, retirement home and weaving workshop. There's not
enough land to go around so weaving is one of the ways the village stays self-sufficient. Note that there's no weav-
ing every other Saturday. You may also have the chance to speak to the humble founder. Begging is very shameful
here so please avoid giving handouts. Some visitors choose to help out by buying the villagers' products or giving
some books to the library.
The simple (earthen walls, sheet metal doors and a bathroom out back) guesthouse (d/tw without bathroom Bir-
r30/60) has about the cleanest shoestring lodging you'll ever see. The small restaurant (mains Birr10-14) has pasta
and national dishes.
Awra Amba is 73km from Bahir Dar on the Woldia road, 10km after Worota. Several minibuses (Birr30, one
hour) pass the signposted junction from where it's a 2km walk.
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