Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Northern Ethiopia
Includes ยป
Debre Libanos
Bahir Dar
Lake Tana & its Monasteries
Blue Nile Falls (Tis Abay)
Simien Mountains National Park
Rock-Hewn Churches of Tigray
Danakil Depression
Woldia to Addis Ababa
Why Go?
For most visitors to Ethiopia, it's all about the north. Unlike anywhere else on Earth, north-
ern Ethiopia has the ability to wow you day after day after day.
Known as the Historical Circuit, there are over two millennia's worth of ancient treas-
ures scattered about, from giant obelisks and hidden tombs at Aksum to a collection of
castles in and around Gonder, to unique churches in Lalibela, Tigray, Lake Tana and many
other places. Not to be outdone by human mastery, Mother Nature really let her creative
juices flow here. The Danakil Depression, an esteemed destination among adventure travel-
lers, features a permanent lava lake and a bright-yellow sulphuric plain, while canyons and
peaks wrinkle the land just about everywhere else.
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