Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Dangers & Annoyances
Violent crime in Addis Ababa is fortunately rare, particularly where visitors are con-
cerned. However, petty theft and confidence tricks are problematic.
The Merkato has the worst reputation as pickpockets abound - targeting not just faran-
jis (white foreigners) but Ethiopians as well. An old ploy is for someone to step blindly in-
to you, while another gently lifts your belongings in the subsequent confusion. A less
subtle tactic now being used involves someone diving at your feet and holding your legs
while another pilfers your pockets. You are advised to leave hand luggage and jewellery in
your hotel if you plan on visiting the Merkato.
Other spots where you should be vigilant include Piazza, where many foreigners get
pickpocketed or mugged; Meskal Sq; minibus stands; outside larger hotels; and Churchill
Ave, where adult gangs have been known to hang around the National Theatre. Common
gang ploys are to feign a fight or argument and, when one man appeals to you for help, the
other helps himself to your pockets.
Another, increasingly popular one involves the delightful technique of someone 'acci-
dently' spitting on you and as they rush forward to clear up the mess, they, or their accom-
plices, pickpocket you. Don't let any of this scare you, though - Addis is very safe com-
pared with many other African capitals. On a personal note, in all the time this author has
spent in Addis he has never once felt even remotely threatened. For more information, see
also the boxed text on Click here .
Police ( 991)
Red Cross Ambulance service ( 917)
Internet Access
Every midrange and top-end hotel and an ever-increasing number of budget hotels in Ad-
dis has good wireless internet or a computer or two for guest use. There are also numerous
internet cafes, but due to the fact that these places close, reopen and change their name at
the speed of a megabyte we have refrained from naming specific cafes here. If you're in a
hotel without internet then ask at reception for the nearest internet cafe.
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