Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
National Café
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(Gambia St; coffee Birr5-7) An ever-popular institution that's little more than a dark hole
in the wall. For those not afraid of daylight, there's also a few sun-grabbing tables out on
the pavement.
Ras Hotel
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(Gambia St; coffees Birr7-10) This central hotel's terrace is a perfect place for a late-after-
noon coffee.
Juice Bars
Most of Addis Ababa's cafes also serve freshly squeezed juices or slushy blends of
everything from strawberries to avocado.
Prime Juice House
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(off Haile Gebreselassie Rd; juices Birr23-25) Bored of avocado and mango juices? Then
you'll think this place, with such exotics as Energiser (banana, strawberry and yogurt),
rocks. We'd even go so far as to say it has the best juice in town.
Lime Tree
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(Bole Rd; juices Birr20-25; 7am-11pm) With luscious lassis and creative juices, Lime
Tree is a premier place to indulge in liquid treats of the chilly variety. We downed a lime
juice with mint, and it refreshingly pummelled our thirst.
Pubs & Bars
Addis Ababa's bar scene is becoming ever more cosmopolitan and diverse, though re-
member this is still no Nairobi when it comes to the quantity and quality of bars - many
are hole-in-the-wall dives where all but the most thick-skinned would feel uneasy.
However, a growing middle class and increasing numbers of expats have led to some
swanky joints, the majority of which are found in and around Bole Rd.
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