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and to give supplies of Ca 2 + and Mg 2 + for plant uptake (Robertson and Grace
2004 ). CaCO 3 can react with soil Al 3 + to form carbonic acid, raising the soil pH
by the following reaction (Robertson and Grace 2004 ):
2Al 3 + + 3CaCO 3 + 6H 2 O 3Ca 2 + + 2Al ( OH ) 3 + 3H 2 CO 3
Similarly, carbonic acid formed in the presence of CO 2 from root and microbial
respiration reacts with solid carbonates [ca. CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 ] to produce bicarbonate
by the following reaction (Eq. 3.2 ) (Robertson and Grace 2004 ):
CaMg ( CO 3 ) 2 + 2H 2 CO 3 Ca 2 + + Mg 2 + + 4 HCO 3
A strong mineral acid such as nitric acid (HNO 3 ) can react with carbonates
[e.g. CaMg(CO 3 ) 2 ] to produce CO 2 by the following reaction (Robertson and
Grace 2004 ):
CaMg ( CO 3 ) 2 + 4 HNO 3 Ca 2 + + Mg 2 + + 4 NO 3 + 2 CO 2 + 2H 2 O
Nitric acid is formed by nitrifying bacteria in most soils, including acid tropical
soils (Robertson 1982 ; Sollins et al. 1988 ).
(iii) Calcium-saturated groundwater can react with soil HCO 3
to produce CO 2
by the following reaction (Robertson and Grace 2004 ; Schlesinger 1999 ):
Ca 2 + + 2 HCO 3 CaCO 3 + H 2 O + CO 2
Carbonate reactions also occur when calcium-saturated groundwater is sprayed
on calcareous surface soils (Schlesinger 1999 ). In arid regions groundwater often
contains as much as 1 % Ca and CO 2 (Robertson and Grace 2004 ).
CH 4 has a microbial origin from natural (e.g. wetlands) and human-influencewd
sources, such as agricultural activities (rice and crops cultivation), enteric fermen-
tation, animal wastes and landfills (Mosier et al. 1991 , 1998 , 2004 ; Robertson and
Grace 2004 ; Smith et al. 2008 ; IPCC 2001 ; Watson et al. 1992 ; Subak et al. 1993 ;
Zuidema et al. 1994 ; Crutzen et al. 1986 ; Bingemer and Crutzen 1987 ; Cicerone
and Oremiand 1988 ; Robertson et al. 2000 ). Methane is produced when organic
materials are decomposed in oxygen-deprived conditions, including fermentative
digestion by ruminant livestock, stored manures and rice grown under flooding
(Mosier et al. 1998 ). A recent study estimates that agriculture accounts for 52 % of
the global anthropogenic CH 4 emissions (Smith et al. 2008 ).
N 2 O emission by agricultural activities in soil is accounted for by microbial
nitrification, denitrification and chemo-denitrification, especially under wet condi-
tions. N 2 O is also produced by the microbial transformation of nitrogen in soil and
manure (IPCC 2007a ; Robertson and Grace 2004 ; Smith et al. 2008 ; Kreileman
and Bouwman 1994 ; Mosier et al. 1989 , 1991 ; Freney 1997 ; Tsuruta et al. 1997 ;
Stevens and Laughlin 1998 ; Robertson et al. 2000 ; Cavigelli and Robertson 2000 ;
Xing et al. 2002 ; Mahimairaja et al. 1994 ; Smith and Conen 2004 ; Oenema et al.
2005 ). Natural sources of N 2 O have been estimated to be approximately 10 TgN/
yr in 1990. Soils account for about 65 % of the sources, oceans for about 30 %
(IPCC 2001 ). It is estimated that agriculture accounts for 84 % of the global
anthropogenic N 2 O emissions (Smith et al. 2008 ).
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