Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Suwannee River Fulvic Acid
Suwannee River Humic Acid
(1) Explain the principles of excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy.
(2) What is the fluorophore in a fluorescent molecule? What are the controlling
factors that affect the fluorophores?
(3) Mention the key fluorescent substances detected in natural waters and explain
how the fluorescence properties of allochthonous fulvic acids differ from
those of humic acids.
(4) How is it possible to distinguish the fluorescence properties of fulvic acids of
vascular plant origin from those of autochthonous fulvic acids of algal origin?
(5) What is PARAFAC modeling? Explain the importance of PARAFAC mod-
eling in the separation and identification of the fluorescent components in
EEM spectroscopy.
(6) Mention the key factors affecting the fluorescence properties of FDOM in nat-
ural waters, and explain how pH variation affects the fluorescence properties.
(7) Explain the effect of photoinduced degradation on the fluorescence properties
of humic substances (fulvic and humic acids) in water, and provide the pos-
sible mechanism.
(8) What are the importance and impact of photoinduced degradation of FDOM
in natural waters?
(9) Mention which FDOM components are significantly affected by microbial
degradation in waters.
(10) Explain the changes of the fluorescent properties of various FDOM compo-
nents due to microbial degradation in aqueous media.
(11) Mention the possible mechanisms for microbial degradation of fluorescent
substances in aqueous media?
(12) What are the importance and impacts of microbial degradation of fluorescent
substances in aqueous media?
(13) Explain the sentence 'All fluorescent DOM (FDOM) is colored or chromo-
phoric DOM (CDOM), but not all CDOM is also FDOM'.
(14) in what respect are FDOM studies superior to CDOM one?
(15) Explain how the fluorophores in FDOM differ from chromophores in CDOM.
Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Kazuhide Hayakawa of Lake Biwa Environmental
Research Institute, Japan for his valuable comments; Dr. Jie Yuan and Dr. Ling Li of Institute of
Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences for their generous help. This work was financially
supported by the Institute of Geochemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang, China.
This work was partly supported by Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, China; Kyoto University, Japan; University Turin, Italy; and Hiroshima
University, Japan. This chapter acknowledges the reprinted from Senesi ( 1990a ), Copyright
(1990), with permission from Elsevier; reprinted from Zhang et al. ( 2010 ), Copyright (2010),
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