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substances of 19-67 % during 72 h to 70 days irradiation (Table 4 ) (Moran et al.
2000 ; Osburn et al. 2009 ). In unfiltered seawater samples from the Baltic Sea irra-
diated for 4-5 days, the corresponding fluorescence intensity decrease has been of
44-52 % at the surface (0-50 m) and 56-65 % in the deeper layers (100-240 m).
In some cases the decrease has been more marked, i.e. 61-70 % at the surface
(0-50 m) and 73-75 % in the deeper layer (100-190 m). Interestingly the addi-
tion of chloroform significantly enhanced photodegradation, yielding a fulvic
acid-like fluorescence decrease of 59-81 % in surface samples (0-50 m) and of
83-84 % in deep-water ones (Table 4 ) (Skoog et al. 1996 ). The mechanism behind
the increased FDOM photodegradation upon addition of chloroform may be the
production of phosgene in the presence of O 2 (CHCl 3 + O 2 + h υ COCl 2 + H
Cl). Phosgene is highly reactive toward the degradation of the fluorophores, such
as the amino groups (RNH 2 + COCl 2 RN = CO + 2HCl) or carboxylic acids
(RCO 2 H + COCl 2 RC(O)Cl + HCl + CO 2 ) (Mostofa et al. 2011 ; Shriner et al.
1943 ). Such processes would contribute to the decrease of DOM fluorescence in
natural waters (Mostofa et al. 2009a , 2011 ).
Photoinduced degradation of Mediterranean Sea samples (8 h sunlight expo-
sure) showed a decrease in the fluorescence of fulvic acid-like or humic-like
fluorophores (peak C), in the range of 9-22 % for lagoon water and approaching
34 % for coastal water (Table 4 ) (Abboudi et al. 2008 ). Similarly, photoinduced
degradation of waters collected from Mackenzie River and Beaufort Sea (Estuary,
Shelf and Gulf) demonstrates that the degradation of fulvic acid-like fluorophores
(peak C) is usually higher during summer irradiation than in spring, autumn and
winter (Table 4 ). The photodegradation of fulvic acid-like fluorophore (peak C)
is relatively higher in Beaufort Sea samples (47-60 % in Estuary during summer;
67-75 % in Shelf during summer; 66 % in Gulf during spring; 72 h irradiation)
than in Satilla Estuary (61-67 %, 70 days), Baltic Sea (44-52 % in surface waters,
4-5 days), and Gotland Deep seawater (32 %, 13 days) (Table 4 ) (Stedmon et al.
2007a ; Skoog et al. 1996 ; Moran et al. 2000 ; Osburn et al. 2009 ; Lepane et al.
2003 ). The high photodegradation of fulvic acid-like substances in Beaufort Sea
samples has been explained by the occurrence of two phenomena. Firstly, in many
cases a significant fraction of the fulvic acid-like substances are of autochtho-
nous origin, which makes them highly susceptible to photodegradation (Mostofa
KMG et al., unpublished data; Johannessen et al. 2007 ). Secondly, in the case of
the Beaufort Sea the fulvic acid-like substances have allochthonous origin as they
mainly derive from riverine input. Photoinduced degradation of these compounds
is poorly effective due to low water temperature in the Beaufort Sea ( 0.54 to
21.81 °C in Estuary, 1.36 to 9.23 °C in Shelf, and 1.68 to 0.12 °C in Gulf
samples) (Osburn et al. 2009 ). Therefore, unaffected allochthonous fulvic acid-like
substances are highly susceptible to degradation upon laboratory irradiation. The
case of the Beaufort Sea may be a particular one, however, because it has been
reported that DOM (or FDOM) components are produced from microbial assimi-
lation of phytoplankton biomass or organic matter in natural waters (Mostofa
et al. 2009a ; Parlanti et al. 2000 ; Stedmon et al. 2007a , 2007b ; Fu et al. 2010 ;
Rochelle-Newall and Fisher 2002 ; Yamashita and Tanoue 2004 ; Rochelle-Newall
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