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Autochthonous Fulvic Acids (C-like and M-like)
Two fluorescent components can be autochthonously produced from algae or phy-
toplankton biomass under photorespiration or microbial respiration (or assimila-
tion) in natural waters (Fig. 3 h-l; Table 2 ) (Mostofa et al. 2009a , b ; Coble 1996 ,
2007 ; Parlanti et al. 2000 ; Stedmon et al. 2007a ; Zhang et al. 2009a ; Balcarczyk
et al. 2009 ; Murphy et al. 2008 ; Aoki et al. 2008 ). The first component can exhibit
either two or three fluorescence peaks, at Ex/Em = 330-370/434-480 nm and
290-300/430-448 nm in the peak C-region as well as 250-270/434-480 nm in
the peak A-region (Fig. 3 h-j; Tables 1 , 2 ). The EEM images of the first autoch-
thonous fluorescent component are similar to those of the allochthonous fulvic
acid (C-like). Therefore, this component can be denoted as autochthonous ful-
vic acid (C-like). The early stage of autochthonous fulvic acid (C-like) when it
originates from algae can exhibit three fluorescence peaks, which are subse-
quently altered into two peaks (Mostofa KMG et al., unpublished data). The
EEM spectra shows that the fluorescence intensity of autochthonous fulvic acid
Peak A
Peak C
Peak A
Peak C
Peak A
Peak M
Ex wavele ngth (nm)
Fig. 3 Continued
The fluorescent components of autochthonous fulvic acid (C-like) under microbial respiration or
assimilation of lake algae ( h ), autochthonous fulvic acid (C-like) under photorespiration or assimilation
of lake algae ( i ) in natural waters, Tributary of NenJiang River, China ( j ) as well as autochthonous
fulvic acid (M-like) in microbial respiration of lake algae ( k ) and in surface waters of Lake Hongfeng,
China ( l ) identified using PARAFAC modeling on the EEM spectra of their respective samples. Data
source Mostofa KMG et al., (unpublished data).
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