Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4 Changes in the mean absorption spectra (n = 3) of ( a ) phytoplankton pigment absorp-
tion [ a ph ( λ )], ( b ) CDOM absorption [ a CDOM ( λ )], ( c ) The concentrations of total pigment, chloro-
phyll a and Phaeophytin- a ( P a , and ( d ) phytoplankton pigment absorption at the Chl a absorption
maxima at 440 and 675 nm, and CDOM absorption at 355 nm during the degradation experiment
period (0-33 days). Error bar indicates the means and standard deviations (n = 3). Data source
Zhang et al. ( 2009 )
Tampa Bay at 443 nm is about five times higher in June and about ten times higher
in October than phytoplankton pigment absorption at 443 nm (Chen et al. 2007 ).
It has been shown that the impact of the suspended and dissolved matter on lake-
water optical quality is influenced by wind resuspension of particulate matter:
the relative role of dissolved matter in the absorption of UV and visible radiation
prevails for low wind speed conditions (<2.2 m s 1 ), while at high wind speed
(3.9 m s 1 ) particulate matter resuspension can strongly influence the attenuation
and the extinction measurements (Bracchini et al. 2005 ).
3 Apparent and Inherent Optical Properties of Natural
Waters on Solar Altitude
The nature of the light field in a water body under a given incident solar irradi-
ance is a function of inherent optical properties such as the absorption coefficient,
the scattering coefficient and the normalized volume scattering function (which
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