Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3 Generalized pathway
for the anaerobic oxidation
of organic matter to carbon
dioxide with Fe 3 +
serving as an electron
acceptor in temperate,
freshwater and sedimentary
environments. The process is
mediated by a consortium of
fermentative microorganisms
and Geobacter species (ca.
Geobactter metallireducens ).
Data source Lovley ( 2006 )
Fe 2 + + HCO 3 + OH FeCO 3 + H 2 O
The ferrous iron, hydroxyl ions and bicarbonate, produced together in (Eqs.
2.24 , 2.25 ) can combine to form siderite in aquatic sediment porewaters (Eq. 2.26 )
(Coleman et al. 1993 ). Evidences from that research study show that two genera of
sulphate-reducing bacteria, Desulfobacter and Desulfovibrio , can oxidize H 2 and
acetate in aquatic sediment waters (Coleman et al. 1993 ). It is shown that H 2 is the
most important electron donor for Desulfovibrio (Eq. 2.27 ), and acetate is the most
environmentally significant electron donor for Desulfobacter (Eq. 2.28 ) sulphate
reducing bacteria (Coleman et al. 1993 ):
4H 2 + SO 4 2 S 2 + 4H 2 O
CH 3 COO + SO 4 2 S 2 + 2HCO 3 + H +
The study shows that Desulfobulbus propionicus can oxidize S to SO 4 2 with an
electrode serving as the electron acceptor (Lovley 2006 ). This is an important reac-
tion at the anode surface in sediments, where high concentrations of sulphide can
abiotically react with electrodes producing Sº (Fig. 4 ) (Lovley 2006 ). This abiotic
reaction merely yields two out of eight electrons potentially available from sulphide
(S 2 ) oxidation (Fig. 4 ). Oxidation of Sº to SO 4 2 extracts six electrons and regener-
ates SO 4 2 as an electron acceptor for further microbial reduction by microorgan-
isms in the family Desulfobulbaceae (Lovley 2006 ; Holmes et al. 2004 ).
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