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2.4.1 Reaction rate Constants by Functional Group Contribution
Recently, it has been possible to determine the aqueous phase HO
reaction rate con-
stants by the functional GCM, which can be applied to the photoinduced degradation
of a given organic compound in aqueous media (Minakata et al. 2009 ). The GCM is
based on Benson's thermochemical group additivity (Benson 1976 ). Under the princi-
ple of group additivity, it is hypothesized that an observed experimental rate constant
for a given organic compound is the combined rate of all elementary reactions involv-
ing HO
, which can be estimated using Arrhenius activation energy E a and frequency
factor A . Each reaction mechanism defines a base activation energy, E a º, and a func-
tional group contribution of activation energy, E a Ri . The latter results from the neigh-
boring (i.e., α -position) and/or the next-nearest neighboring (i.e., β -position) functional
group (i.e., Ri). The GCM considers four reaction mechanisms that can be initiated by
in the aqueous phase, which include (1) H-atom abstraction, (2) HO
addition to
C C doble bond(s) on alkenes, (3) HO
addition to C = C doble bond(s) on aromatic
compounds, and (4) HO
interaction with sulfur (S)-, nitrogen (N)-, or phosphorus
(P)-atom-containing compounds (Minakata et al. 2009 ). Accordingly, an overall reac-
tion rate constant, k overall , can be given by Eq. 2.5
k overall = k abs + k add alkene + k add aromatic + k int
where, k abs , k add-alkene , k add-aromatic , and k int are the rate constants for the aforemen-
tioned reaction mechanisms (1)-(4), respectively.
Rate constant for hydrogen-atom abstraction (Minakata et al. 2009 ): For
H-atom abstraction, the active bond is a C-H bond. In general, molecules are catego-
rized based on the number of C-H bond(s) (i.e., CH 3 R 1 , CH 2 R 1 R 2 , and CHR 1 R 2 R 3 ,
where R i is a functional group ( i = 1 3)). Each of the fragments corresponds to a
partial rate constant k CH 3 R 1 , k CH 2 R 1 R 2 , and k CHR 1 R 2 R 3 , respectively. The C-H bond
itself and adjacent functional group(s) contributes to the overall E a as the base activa-
tion energy, E a 0 , and group contribution parameter, E a,abs R i , due on the functional
group R i , respectively. For example, the base activation energy for H-atom abstraction
from one of the primary C-H bonds is E a,prim 0. The E a,abs R i indicates the electron-
donating and—withdrawing ability of the functional group. An electron-donating
functional group decreases the E a and, hence, increases the overall reaction rate con-
stant, and vice versa. Accordingly, the partial rate constant for the fragmented parts
such as CH 3 R 1 , CH 2 R 1 R 2 and CHR 1 R 2 R 3 can be written as below (Eqs. 2.6 - 2.8 )
k CH 3 R 1 = 3 A prim e E a ,prim + E R 1
a ,abs
k CH 2 R 1 R 2 = 2 A sec e E a ,sec + E R 1
a ,abs + E R 2
a ,abs
k CHR 1 R 2 R 3 = A tert e E a ,tert + E R 1
a , abs + E R 2
a , abs + E R 3
a , abs
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