Graphics Programs Reference
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1. Choose Create > Spline from the main menu; a cascading menu is displayed. Choose
Rectangle from the cascading menu; Rectangle is added to the Object Manager.
2. In the Attribute Manager, choose the Object button and then enter 28 and 14 in the
Width and Height spinners, respectively, Also, make sure XY is selected from the
Plane drop-down list.
3. In the Attribute Manager, choose the Coord button; the Coordinates area is displayed.
In this area, set the parameters as follows:
P . X: 12.856 P . Y: -111.854 P . Z: -4
4. Choose Display > Gouraud Shading (Lines) option from the Menu in editor view to
properly view the guitar in the viewport.
5. Press and hold the left mouse button on the Subdivision Surface tool; a flyout is dis-
played. Choose Extrude from it; Extrude.3 is added to the Object Manager. Next, select
Rectangle you have created in the step 1.
6. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag Rectangle on Extrude.3 and release the
left mouse button; Spline is connected to Extrude.3 in the Object Manager. Figure 2-39
shows the extruded rectangle in the Perspective viewport.
7. Choose Create > Spline from the main menu; a cascading menu is displayed. Choose
Circle from the cascading menu; Circle is added to the Object Manager.
8. In the Attribute Manager, choose the Object button and then enter 1 in the Radius spin-
ner. Also, make sure XY is selected from the Plane drop-down list.
9. In the Attribute Manager, choose the Coord button; the Coordinates area is displayed.
In this area, set the parameters as follows:
P . X: 3.225 P . Y: -108.137 P . Z: -6.103
10. Press and hold the left mouse button on the Subdivision Surface tool; a flyout is dis-
played. Choose Extrude from it; Extrude.4 is added to the Object Manager. Next, select
Circle which you created in step 7.
11. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag Circle on Extrude.4. Next , release the
left mouse button; Circle is connected to Extrude.4 in the Object Manager. Figure 2-40
shows the extruded circle in the Perspective viewport.
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