Graphics Programs Reference
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4. Select the Rectangle in the Object Manager. Press and hold the left mouse button on
Rectangle and drag the cursor to Extrude in the Object Manager; the Rectangle is con-
nected to Extrude in the Object Manager. Also, Rectangle is extruded in the Perspective
viewport, as shown in Figure 2-9.
On pressing and holding the left mouse button on Subdivision Surface , a flyout is dis-
played with various tools. You can use these tools to create complex models with relat-
ively less number of control points. Models created using these tools can be converted
into polygons. The Extrude tool is used to extrude the spline in any direction. The effect
of this tool is only visible when the spline is connected to the Extrude object.
Figure 2-9 Rectangle extruded in the Perspective viewport
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