Graphics Programs Reference
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node outputs a value 0 for the Switch port and the Condition 1 node outputs the first
state (red color).
Next, you will activate the yellow light of the Traffic signal .
5. Maximize the XPresso Editor . In the XPresso Editor , click on the Yellow output port
of the Traffic-Lights node and drag the cursor to the Input 1 input port of the Compare
2 node; a connection is established between the Compare 2 and Traffic-Lights nodes,
as shown in Figure 13-22.
6. In the XPresso Editor , click on the Output output port of the Compare 2 node and drag
the cursor to the Switch input port of the Condition 2 node; a connection is established
between the Compare 2 and Condition 2 nodes, as shown in Figure 13-23.
Figure 13-22 Connection established between the Yellow output port of the Traffic -
Lights and Compare 2 nodes
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