Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Andersson, L. 1996. An ontological dilemma: Epistemology and methodology
of historical biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 23:269-277.
Vuilleumier, F. 1999. Biogeography on the eve of the twenty-first century:
Towards an epistemology of biogeography. Ostrich 70:89-103.
a. List the basic problems of biogeography that the authors identify.
b. Discussthesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenbothauthors'approaches.
2. Carefully read the following articles:
Craw, R. C. 1983. Panbiogeography and vicariance cladistics: Are they truly
different? Systematic Zoology 32:431-438.
Grehan, J. R. 1988. Biogeographic homology: Ratites and the southern
beeches. Rivista di Biologia—Biology Forum 81:577-587.
Morrone, J. J. 2001. Homology, biogeography and areas of endemism.
Diversity and Distributions 7:297-300.
Nelson, G. 1994. Homology and systematics. In Homology: The hierarchical
basis of comparative biology, ed. B. K. Hall, 101-149. San Diego: Aca-
demic Press.
a. Identify the authors' ideas about biogeographic homology.
b. Discuss their similarities and differences.
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