Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.10 Biogeographic analysis of European freshwater fishes by Doadrio and Car-
mona (2003; reproduced with permission of Graellsia ). (a) Maximum likelihood cladogram
of Chondrostoma ; (b) maximum likelihood cladogram of Squalius . Scale bars on the right
show the timescale that resulted from the application of a molecular clock. Horizontal black
bars represent the time of occurrence of the Lago Mare phase.
Doadrio and Carmona (2003) concluded that their results indicated that the an-
cestor of Squalius species from the Iberian Peninsula inhabited the area during
the Miocene, before the Lago Mare phase. Similarly, the four main Iberian species
groups of Chondrostoma inhabited the peninsula in the Middle-Upper Miocene.
Therefore, the Lago Mare phase of the Mediterranean Sea seems to have been
too recent an event to have had any impact on the biogeographic evolution of both
genera in the Iberian Peninsula. Furthermore, the authors wrote that the dry and
wet periods during the Cenozoic were long enough to allow a dispersal and evol-
ution in the area more gradual than the Lago Mare hypothesis predicts.
Robalo et al. (2007) reexamined the phylogeny of Chondrostoma based on mi-
tochondrial and nuclear data. They obtained a highly resolved cladogram, which
prompted them to reject the hypothesis of a simultaneous origin of multiple lin-
eages, thus confirming the previous analysis.
Banarescu, P. 1992. Zoogeography of freshwater: Distribution and dispersal of fresh-
water animal in North America and Eurasia, Vol. 2. Wiesbaden: Aula-Verlag.
Bianco, P. G. 1990. Potential role of the paleohistory of the Mediterranean and
ParathetisbasinsontheearlydispersalofEuro-Mediterranean freshwaterfishes.
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 1:167-184.
Doadrio, I. and J. A. Carmona. 2003. Testing freshwater Lago Mare dispersal theory
on the phylogeny relationships of Iberian Cyprinid genera Chondrostoma and
Squalius (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). Graellsia 59(2-3):457-473.
Huelsenbeck, J. P. and F. Ronquist. 2001. MrBayes: Bayesian inference of phylogen-
etic trees. Bioinformatics 17(8):754-755.
Robalo, J. I., V. C. Almada, A. Levy, and I. Doadrio. 2007. Re-examination and
phylogeny of the genus Chondrostoma based on mitochondrial and nuclear
data and the definition of 5 new genera. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Strimmer, K. and A. von Haeseler. 1996. Quartet puzzling: A quartet maximum-likeli-
hood method for reconstructing tree topologies. Molecular Biology and Evolution
CASE STUDY 7.5 The Arrival of Caviomorph Rodents and Platyrrhine
Primates in South America
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