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hood Radio test was conducted with and without molecular clock constraints using
Puzzle 4.0.1 (Strimmer and von Haeseler 1996).
The Bayesian analysis on forty-seven specimens of Squalius and sixty-one
specimens of Chondrostoma identified different mtDNA lineages. For Squalius,
previously recognized Mediterranean Eurasiatic and Paratethys lineages were re-
covered, and within the Mediterranean lineage, relationships between the Iberi-
an, Greek, and Italo-Balkanic species were unresolved, indicating a divergence in
a short period of time ( fig. 7.10a ) . Analysis of Chondrostoma recovered two lin-
and Eurasiatic species and for the species groups inhabiting the Iberian Peninsula
( fig. 7.10b ).
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