Geography Reference
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The authors sampled 138 specimens from eighteen localities across the distri-
bution of the species (eleven in the northern shield, two in the Bejenado volcanic
terrain, and five in the Cumbre Vieja volcanic terrain) to reconstruct a haplotype
network and apply nested clade phylogeographic analysis for 570 base pairs of
sequence data for the mtDNA COII gene. DNA sequences were aligned by eye
and a haplotype network was constructed using the parsimony criterion, as imple-
mented in TCS 1.18 (Clement et al. 2000). A nested clade phylogeographic ana-
lysiswasundertakenwithGeoDis(Posadaetal.2000),quantifying thegeographic
distribution of the haplotypes through two distance measures: clade distance (D c ),
which measures the spatial spread of a clade, and nested clade distance (D n ),
which measures how far a clade is from the clades with which it is nested into a
higher-level clade.
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