Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
DNA (cpDNA) has shown to be structured geographically in several plant
species; it is also transmitted maternally and has exhibited intraspecific vari-
ation (Avise 2000, 2004; Soltis et al. 1992).
An explicit genealogical approach to intraspecific phylogeography im-
plies extending the lineage sorting theory to sister populations (Avise 2000).
In terms of maternal genealogy, there are three possible situations: poly-
phyly, in which some but not all extant matrilines in one population join with
some but not all extant matrilines in the other to form a clade; paraphyly,
in which all matrilines in one population from a clade are nested within the
broader matrilineal history of the other population; and reciprocal mono-
phyly, inwhichallextant matrilines ineachsister population areclosergene-
alogically to each other than to any matriline in the other. These three situ-
ations often characterize the same pair of sister populations at different time
depths ( fig. 7.4 ).
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