Geography Reference
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Thus, some of the Hawaiian cenocrons may be derived from even earlier islands
have indicated 40 to 23 mya for the divergence of Hawaiian Drosophilidae from
their North American relatives (Powell and DeSalle 1995), seems to support the
idea that the Hawaiian biota is much older than the oldest present-day islands. Ac-
cording to Rotondo et al. (1981), the high degree of endemism recorded on some
of the Hawaiian Islands cannot be explained by jump dispersal. On the basis of
the reconstructions that postulate the integration into the Hawaiian Island chain of
some islands that originated outside the present Hawaiian hotspot, these authors
proposed the mixing of two different cenocrons, Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian, to
explain the high endemism.
Carlquist, S. 1995. Introduction. In Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hotspot ar-
chipelago, ed. W. L. Wagner and V. A. Funk, 1-13. Washington, D.C.: Smithso-
nian Institution Press.
Ebach,M.C.,R.A.Newman,C.J.Humphries,andD.M.Williams.2005. 3item version
2.0: Three-item analysis for cladistics and area cladistics. Oxford: Author.
Funk, V. A. and W. L. Wagner. 1995. Biogeographic patterns in the Hawaiian islands.
In Hawaiian biogeography: Evolution on a hotspot archipelago, ed. W. L. Wagner
and V. A. Funk, 379-419. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Goloboff, P. 1998. NONA. Version 2.0. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from ht-
tp:// .
Humphries, C. J. and M. C. Ebach. 2004. Biogeography on a dynamic Earth. In Fron-
tiers of biogeography: New directions in the geography of nature, ed. M. V. Lo-
molino and L. R. Heaney, 67-86. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer.
Liebherr, J. K. 1997. Dispersal and vicariance in Hawaiian Platynine carabid beetles
(Coleoptera). Pacific Science 51:424-439.
Nelson, G. and P. Y. Ladiges. 1996. Paralogy in cladistic biogeography and analysis of
paralogy-free subtrees. American Museum Novitates 3167:1-58.
Rotondo, G. M., V. G. Springer, G. A. J. Scott, and S. O. Schlanger. 1981. Plate move-
ment and island integration: A possible mechanism in the formation of endemic
biotas, with special reference to the Hawaiian islands. Systematic Zoology 30:
Phylogenetic Analysis for Comparing Trees
Wojcicki and Brooks (2005) described phylogenetic analysis for comparing
trees (PACT), which is aimed at generating general area cladograms that
provide accurate representations of the information contained in taxon-area
cladograms. PACT operates with Venn diagrams obtained from the tax-
on-area cladograms, which are compared by looking for common elements.
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