Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5.21 Biogeographic analysis of the Subantarctic and Central Chilean subregions
by Posadas and Morrone (2003). (a) Areas of endemism; (b) general area cladogram. CHI,
Central Chilean subregion; FAL, Falklands; MAG, Magellanic Forest; MAU, Maule; MOO,
Magellanic Moorland; VAL, Valdivian Forest.
A PAE based on flies of the family Ceratopogonidae (Marino et al. 2001) pos-
tulated that the provinces of the Subantarctic subregion constitute a monophylet-
ic unit, which is the sister area to the Central Chilean subregion. This difference
may be due to the influence of ecological factors because the taxa analyzed were
aquatic. Two cladistic biogeographic analyses (Amorim and Pires 1996; Soares
and de Carvalho 2005) found that the Central Chilean subregion was paraphyl-
etic in relation to the Subantarctic subregion. The different patterns found can be
linked to the complex geological history of the area, with events of marine intro-
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