Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5.19 Biogeographic analysis of the northern Andes by Morrone and Urtubey
(1997). (a) Areas of endemism in the Andes; (b-g) taxon-area cladograms of Barnadesia
and five genera of Curculionidae; (h) general area cladogram obtained from the three-area
statement matrix; (i) general area cladogram obtained from the Brooks parsimony analysis
According to both general area cladograms, the Northern Andes do not consti-
thermore, the Amotape-Huancabamba area (D) is related to the Central Andes.
Berry (1982) considered the Amotape-Huancabamba area as a transitional zone;
however, in the majority of the taxa analyzed by Morrone and Urtubey (1997), en-
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