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4, and 296 for cladogram 5. General area cladogram 1 was selected because it
had the lowest number of items of error. According to cladogram 1, a first vicari-
ance event isolated the northern areas (Coquimbo and Santiago) from the south-
ern ones (Subantarctic subregion, Curicó, and Ñuble); a second event separated
Coquimbo from Santiago; and in the southern areas, Curicó was split first, and the
last event separated Ñuble from the Subantarctic subregion.
Figure 5.8 Biogeographic analysis of Central Chile by Morrone et al. (1997). (a) Areas of
endemism; (b-f) general area cladograms. Co, Coquimbo; Cu, Curicó; Ñu, Ñuble; Sa, San-
tiago; SUB, Subantarctic.
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