Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.33 Localities of Mexican species of Bursera . (a) B. trimera (black tri-
angles), B. vejar-vazquezii (white triangles); (b) map of Mexico to represent the
areas of endemism obtained.
Problem 4.4
areas of endemism. On the basis of the distributions of forty-one hypo-
thetical species from southern South America ( figs. 4.34 - 4.37 ; Morrone,
Espinosa Organista, et al. 1996):
a. Number the grid cells, excluding those where no species is distributed.
b. Build a data matrix of grid cells (files) × species (columns).
c. Apply PAE with an appropriate software (Hennig86, Farris 1988; PHYLIP,
Felsenstein 1993; NONA, Goloboff 1998; PAUP, Swofford 2003; Pee-
Wee, Goloboff, retrieved May 25, 2008, from
phylogeny/Nona-PeeWee/ ; TNT, Goloboff et al., retrieved May 25, 2008,
from ) in order to find the clado-
grams and, if multiple equally parsimonious cladograms are obtained, cal-
culate the strict consensus cladogram.
d. On the basis of the clades supported by two or more species, draw the
areas of endemism in the map of fig. 4.37d .
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