Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.26 Cooling costs for different load situations and system technologies for the locations in
Madrid and Stuttgart
A value for C cooling of D 9 per MWh of cooling water was used and the auxiliary
heating costs C heating were set to D 50 per MWh of heat.
The chosen system technology (dry or wet chiller, low or high temperature dis-
tribution system, control strategy) influences the costs only slightly (7% difference
between the options) if the operating hours are low (such as in the office 1 example
with low internal loads, see Figure 6.24). If the operating hours increase, the advan-
tage of improving the control strategy (Case 2) or increasing the temperature levels of
the cooling distribution system (Case 3) become more pronounced (16% difference
between the different cases, see Figure 6.25).
Figure 6.27 Cost distribution for a solar thermal absorption chiller system with mounting and inte-
gration costs of 45% of total investment costs
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