Information Technology Reference
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You can use the Set-DfsrGroupSchedule cmdlet to set replication schedule and bandwidth
settings. The syntax is this:
Set-DfsrGroupSchedule [-GroupName] <String[]> [[-DomainName] <String>] [[-UseUTC]
<Boolean>] [[-ScheduleType]{Always | Never}] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-DfsrGroupSchedule [-GroupName] <String[]> [[-DomainName] <String>] [[-UseUTC]
<Boolean>] [-Day] <DayOfWeek[]>[-BandwidthDetail] <String> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf]
The first syntax either sets the schedule to Always (and Full) or disables it entirely. The
second syntax group enables you to set the schedule and bandwidth in 15-minute intervals
for each day of the week. (See Get-Help Set-DfsrGroupSchedule -Full for detailed syntax and
Coniguring remote Differential Compression (rDC)
Remote Differential Compression (RDC) is a client-server protocol that detects insertions, de-
letions, and changes in file data. With RDC enabled (the default in Windows Server 2012 R2),
DFS-R copies a changed data segment only if the segment is not available on the replication
partner. With cross-file RDC enabled, that data segment can be from a different file. RDC is
designed to improve replication bandwidth usage of low-bandwidth connections.
By default, RDC is used only on files 64 KB or larger, but this threshold can be configured
using Windows PowerShell. To change the connection from trey-dc-02 to trey-srv-13 in the
Test replication group to use a threshold size of 128 KB, use the following command:
Set-DfsrConnection -GroupName "Test" `
-SourceComputerName "trey-dc-02" `
-DestinationComputerName "trey-srv-13" `
-MinimumRDCFileSizeInKB 128
To disable cross-file RDC and regular RDC completely on the same connection, use the
following command:
Set-DfsrConnection -GroupName "Test" `
-SourceComputerName "trey-dc-02" `
-DestinationComputerName "trey-srv-13" `
-DisableRDC $True `
-DisableCrossFileRDC $True
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