Information Technology Reference
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The preceding command enables all resource pools on the host that have a resource to
enable. On my host, it yielded the following:
Name ResourcePoolType ParentName ResourceMeteringEnabled
---- ---------------- ---------- -----------------------
Primordial FibreChannelConnection False
Primordial VFD False
Primordial ISO False
Primordial VHD True
Primordial Ethernet True
Primordial Memory True
Primordial FibreChannelPort False
Primordial Processor True
The pools that still show False were not enabled because there are no resources associated
with them.
Creating new VM resource pools
You can create new VM resource pools that monitor subsets of the primordial pool. For
example, to create a new resource pool to monitor the resources used by the VHDs on the
E drive, create a new VM resource pool with the following command:
New-VMResourcePool "E-Drive" VHD -Paths "E:\"
Name ResourcePoolType ParentName ResourceMeteringEnabled
---- ---------------- ---------- -----------------------
E Drive Pool VHD {Primordial} False
Monitoring resource usage by VMs
You can use VM resource pools to monitor the resource usage of specific VMs. To enable
resource metering on the VM trey-dc-02, use the following command:
Enable-VMResourceMetering -VMName trey-dc-02
To see the resource usage of trey-dc-02, use this command:
Measure-VM -VMName trey-dc-02
VMName AvgCPU AvgRAM MaxRAM MinRAM TotalDisk Network Network
(MHz) (M) (M) (M) (M) Inbound(M) Outbound(M)
--------------- ------- ----- ------ ------ --------- ---------- -----------
trey-dc-02 20 1358 1358 1358 130048 7 2
Because Measure-VM supports lists of VMs, you can quickly get the resource usage of all
the VMs running on the local machine:
Get-VM | Measure-VM
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