Information Technology Reference
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The installation media can be saved to a network shared folder or to removable media. For
example, to create RODC installation media that includes the SYSVOL on the D:\IFM folder,
use create sysvol RODC "D:\IFM" to replace the last command in the preceding sequence.
After you have the installation media, create a new domain controller by specifying
the media source as part of the Install-ADDSDomainController cmdlet. Use the
-InstallationMediaPath parameter. For example:
$myCred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your domain credentials"
Install-ADDSDomainController `
-DomainName "" `
-Credential $myCred `
-InstallDNS `
-InstallationMediaPath "D:\IFM" `
the -InstallationMediapath parameter is quite fussy. the path must be on a local drive, not
a mounted remote share. the path must not include a trailing “\”, and should not include
the final “active Directory” portion of the path. So, “D:\IFM” is acceptable, but “D:\IFM\” or
“D:\IFM\active Directory” is not.
Coniguring domain controller cloning
Windows Server does not support cloning of virtualized domain controllers by simply copying
the .vhd or .vhdx files (virtual hard disk [VHD] files). You need to follow the supported cloning
process to ensure that domain integrity and data are maintained. The process for cloning a
domain controller is the following:
1. Verify that the environment meets the requirements.
Prepare the source domain controller.
Create the cloned domain controller.
Verifying the environment
The support for cloning a virtualized domain controllerwas introduced with Windows Server
2012. The environment for cloning must meet the following requirements:
PDC emulator FSMO role hosted on Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2
domain controller
PDC emulator available during the cloning operation
Clone source and target of Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2
Virtualization host platform supports VM-Generation ID (VMGID)
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