Database Reference
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phone number. Next, change someone's email address and his or her relationship
to you (i.e., relation_id ). Do this in one UPDATE statement.
5. Run a SELECT statement that joins both tables created in the first exercise. Use
the JOIN clause to do this (the JOIN clause was covered in this chapter, so look
back at the example if you don't remember how to use it). Join the tables on the
common column named relation_id — this will go in the WHERE clause. To
help you with this, here's how the clauses for the tables should look:
FROM contacts JOIN relation_types
WHERE contacts . relation_id = relation_types . relation_id
Select the columns name and phone_mobile , but only for contacts who are
marked as a Friend — you'll have to add this to the WHERE with AND . Try do-
ing this based on the value of relation_id and then again based on the value
of the relationship column.
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