Database Reference
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| 101 | The Catcher of the Rye | 1 |
| 102 | My Antonia | 1 |
Thanks to our update, we get two rows back this time, where the rows have a status of act-
ive. If we execute the UPDATE statement again, but for a different book_id , we can
change the topic, The Catcher in the Rye to inactive:
UPDATE books SET status = 0 WHERE book_id = 101;
SELECT * FROM books WHERE status = 0;
| book_id | title | status |
| 100 | Heart of Darkness | 0 |
| 101 | The Catcher of the Rye | 0 |
Let's enter one more UPDATE statement so you can see how to do more with just one
statement. As I mentioned earlier, the title of this topic is not correct. It's not The Catcher
of the Rye. The correct title is The Catcher in the Rye. Let's change that text in the title
column, while simultaneously setting the value of status back to 1 . We could do this
with two SQL statements, but let's do it in one like so:
UPDATE books
SET title = 'The Catcher in the Rye' , status = 1
WHERE book_id = 101 ;
Notice that we've given the same syntax as before with the UPDATE statement, but we've
given two pairs of columns and values to set. That's easier than entering the UPDATE
statement twice. It also saves some network traffic when communicating with a server on
another continent.
A Little Complexity
Let's increase the pace a little. Let's create another table and insert a couple of rows of
data in it. Enter these two SQL statements from within the mysql client:
CREATE TABLE status_names ( status_id INT , status_name CHAR ( 8 ));
INSERT INTO status_names VALUES ( 0 , 'Inactive' ), ( 1 , 'Active' );
Now we've created the table status_names , but with only two columns.The CREATE
TABLE statement is similar to the one we used to create the first table. There's one differ-
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