Database Reference
In-Depth Information
If MariaDB is installed on your server, you will see something like the following:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 360511
Server version: 5.5.33a-MariaDB MariaDB Server, wsrep_23.7.6.rXXXX
Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle, Monty Program Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
MariaDB [(none)]>>
The first line, after “Welcome to the MySQL/MariaDB monitor,” says that commands end
with asemicolon ( ; ) or a slash-g ( \g ). When you enter a command, or rather an SQL
statement, you can press Enter at any point to go to the next line and continue entering
more text. Until you enter either ; or \g , the mysql client will not transmit what you've
entered to the MySQL server. If you use \G , with an uppercase G , you'll get a different
format. We'll cover that format later. For now, just use the semicolon.
The second line in the output shown tells you the identification number for your connec-
tion to the server. One day you may get in trouble and need to know that. For now you can
ignore it.
The third line tells you which version of MySQL or MariaDB is installed on the server.
That can be useful when you have problems and discover in reading the online document-
ation that the problem is in a particular version, or when you want to upgrade the server
but need to know which version you have now before upgrading.
The next line talks about getting online help. It provides help for all of the SQL statements
and functions. Try entering these commands to see what the client returns:
This commandprovides help on using the mysql client.
help contents
This command shows you a list of categories for help on major aspects of MySQL or
MariaDB. In that list, you will see one of the categories is called Data Manipulation.
These are SQL statements related to inserting, updating, and deleting data.
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